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Kiwi Fruit - Plant Profile: Actinidia Deliciosa (Kiwifruit) How to grow Kiwi fruit tree

Plant Profile:

Actinidia Deliciosa (Kiwifruit)

Welcome to our plant profile series! In this edition, we will explore Actinidia Deliciosa, commonly known as Kiwifruit. This delightful plant not only adds beauty to your garden but also rewards you with delicious fruits. Let’s dive into the details of this fascinating plant.

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Plant Size

Actinidia Deliciosa is a vigorous, deciduous vine that can reach an ultimate height of 30 feet (9 meters) and an ultimate spread of 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters). It takes approximately 3-5 years to reach its ultimate height, depending on the growing conditions.

Ideal Soil Conditions

Kiwifruit thrives in well-draining soil, preferably loamy or sandy soil. It prefers a slightly acidic to neutral soil pH, ranging from 5.5 to 7.5. Ensure that the soil is rich in organic matter and has good moisture retention capabilities. Adequate moisture is crucial for the plant’s growth and fruit production.

Flowering and Fruit Production

The Kiwifruit plant is dioecious, meaning it has separate male and female plants. The female plants produce the delicious fruits we all love. The plant typically flowers in late spring to early summer, usually around October to November in the Northern Hemisphere. The flowers are small, creamy-white, and have a pleasant fragrance.

Fruit production usually begins 2-3 years after planting, but it can vary depending on the growing conditions and the cultivar. Kiwifruits are usually ready for harvest in late summer to early fall, around September to October in the Northern Hemisphere.


Kiwifruit plants thrive in full sun to partial shade. They prefer a sheltered position, protected from strong winds. Ensure that the plant has enough space to spread and climb, either on a trellis or a sturdy support structure.

Botanical Details

Actinidia Deliciosa belongs to the Actinidiaceae family and the Actinidia genus. It is native to Southern China and is now widely cultivated in various parts of the world.

Popular Varieties

Jenny: An extremely vigorous variety of Kiwi, with self-fertility meaning it doesn’t require a separate male plant for pollination. It produces large, egg-shaped fruits with a sweet and tangy flavour.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Jumbo Duo: Known for its large size and high yielding. This variety of Kiwi requires cross pollination.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Issai: A unique Japanese variety, that is not only self-pollinating but also produces sweet, great-tasting fruits at an early age. It is the most commonly grown kiwi in home gardens, due to its hardiness and ease of growth.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Pink Jumbo: Named for its pink-tinged, sweet flesh. This variety is a hybrid between green kiwifruit and yellow kiwifruit and has a pleasantly sweet taste without the common ‘kiwi tang’.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Atlas: This variety is well loved for its large, elongated fruits and strong yield potential. It requires a male plant for pollination.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Geneva: A hardy kiwi variety can endure colder climates. Geneva produces small to medium-sized fruits compared to other varieties, yet they yield a superbly sweet flavour.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Hayward: The most commonly commercially grown kiwi due to its high yield and large, sweet fruits. It’s a hardy and adaptable kiwi variety.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

Ken’s Red: This New Zealand variety is named after creator Ken Nobbs and known for its unique red-fleshed fruit with a sweet berry-like flavor. The skin is slightly fuzzy yet also edible.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons

Prince Jumbo: A high-yielding variety, bearing massive fruits with exceptional flavour. The fruits have a lovely smooth skin and are a delight to consume. A pollinator is required for this variety.

Buy Now at –  Thompson & Morgan | Suttons | Dobies

How to Grow


Kiwifruit plants are best grown in regions with mild winters and warm summers. They require a frost-free period of at least 180 days for optimal growth and fruit production. Choose a sunny spot in your garden with well-draining soil to cultivate this plant.


Kiwifruit plants can be propagated through seeds or cuttings. However, it is more common to propagate them through cuttings to ensure the desired characteristics of the parent plant. Take semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer or early autumn and plant them in a well-draining potting mix. Keep the cuttings moist and warm until they establish roots.

Suggested Planting Locations and Garden Type

Kiwifruit plants are ideal for larger gardens or spaces where they have enough room to spread and climb. They can be grown against fences, trellises, or pergolas, adding a beautiful vertical element to your garden. Ensure that the support structure is sturdy enough to hold the weight of the mature plant.

These plants can also be grown in containers, but regular pruning and maintenance are necessary to control their size and shape.


Pruning is essential for maintaining the health and productivity of Kiwifruit plants. Prune the plant during the dormant season, usually in late winter or early spring. Remove any dead, damaged, or diseased wood. Thin out the branches to improve air circulation and light penetration. Training the plant on a trellis or support structure will help manage its growth and make pruning easier.

Pests & Diseases

Kiwifruit plants can be susceptible to various pests, including aphids, spider mites, and scale insects. Regularly inspect the plant for any signs of infestation and take appropriate measures, such as using organic insecticides or introducing beneficial insects, to control the pests.

Common diseases that can affect Kiwifruit plants include bacterial canker, root rot, and powdery mildew. To prevent these diseases, ensure proper drainage, avoid overwatering, and maintain good air circulation around the plant. If necessary, apply appropriate fungicides or seek advice from a local gardening expert.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I grow Kiwifruit in a container?

Yes, you can grow Kiwifruit in a container, but regular pruning and maintenance are necessary to control its size and shape.

How often should I water my Kiwifruit plant?

Kiwifruit plants require regular watering, especially during dry periods. Ensure that the soil is consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Can I grow Kiwifruit from store-bought fruits?

While it is possible to grow Kiwifruit from store-bought fruits, it may not guarantee the same characteristics as the parent plant. It is recommended to propagate Kiwifruit through cuttings for consistent results.

How long does it take for Kiwifruit to ripen after flowering?

Kiwifruits usually take around 4-6 months to ripen after flowering. The exact timing may vary depending on the cultivar and growing conditions.

Are Kiwifruits high in vitamin C?

Yes, Kiwifruits are known for their high vitamin C content, making them a nutritious addition to your diet.

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